
Pinus International Film Festival is a festival of movement, technology, body, cities, nature. Films that point to a challenge of filming great ideas with low resources. Bringing extreme emotions, strong interpretations and dense aesthetics puts us in a position to talk about new forms of representation.
PIFF encourages dialogue between cultures with its ways of keeping memories. This year the festival’s theme is “Memory”, with something outside the traditional narrative perspective, to see other possible ways of making cinema and absorbing cinema and reflecting on cinema. In addition to film screenings, PIFF will have open spaces for lively conversations with samba jazz and vegan feijoada. The festival takes place in the Pinheiros region of São Paulo, Brazil, open to the public inside the Casa de Liège Cultural Center, on November 6th and 13th, 2022.

Free Fees

Has free film subscription for filmmakers with difficulties in accessing funding, artists and art groups that live on the periphery, proponents from quilombola communities, LGBTQIAPN+, refugees from countries at war, riverside people, caiçaras , gypsies, blacks, browns, indigenous people, immigrants, people who work with guerrilla audiovisuals. Let us know, click here.

Centro Cultural Casa de Liège ​

On the premises of the center, we will carry out projection activities, pocket show, gastronomy, meetings and awards. The sessions will take place in this environment, with a cover and a large area with capacity for fifty people seated. The pocket show with samba will take place in the outdoor area with cover, tables, chairs and all the necessary structure to enjoy the festival in the best way.

Festival Script

Activities start around 1 pm, with vegan moqueca and music to welcome the public until the opening of the projection hall will be at 5:30 pm. Films lasting up to 15 minutes, including documentary, fiction and videodance per night. In total, 15 films will be chosen divided between two Sundays. November 6th and 13th with activities from 1 pm to 10 pm. On the second Sunday there will be awards in three categories by the festival’s jury and the public, destined for the best in each category. In addition to these awards, the festival’s jury will also allocate honorable mention and other outstanding awards for choreography, dance, acting, location, editing, cinematography, costumes, soundtrack/music, concept. Closing with DJ.


Bárbara Francesquine is a circus artist, dancing and educator specializing in HULA HOOP, and travels the world presenting shows, performances and giving workshops. At the same time, he researches the audiovisual language and its intersection with the circus and dance. In the audiovisual field, he has studied video as video-circus and video-dance languages since 2012. From 2014 onwards, she started working in partnership with the multi-artist and filmmaker Alexandre Salomão and together they taught video workshops in São Paulo and Recife, as well as producing selected works in Dança em Foco, very important festival in Brazil. As a circus artist, his numbers and shows are part of the programming of the most diverse national and international circus festivals and conventions, such as the Sesc International Circus Festival, São Paulo Circus Festival, SESC Arts Circuit, Boom Festival, FIC, Paralello, FAM Festival, Paulistana clown etc.


Alexandre Salomão studied editing and post-production at Centro de Estudios de Nuevas Tecnologías Audiovisuales (CENTA), Spain; Advanced photography and color correction by the Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV (EICTV), in Cuba; Film editing with Alberto Ponce. He was director and cinematographer of the experimental film Corpo Monumento. He performed COMO LIVE, Performance live streaming and Live ACT in autonomous environments with Bárbara Francesquine and Iara Campos. Co-founder of the Monumentos Virtuais, Audiovisual.ONG and Iyá Filmes.


Curatorship & Programming HEAD
Bárbara Francesquine
Alexandre Salomão

Executive Director
Alexandre Salomão

Managing Director and Communications
Bárbara Francesquine

Director of Operations
Luiz Manuel

Market Analysis & Information Services
Gabriel Godoy

Graphic Design
Zé Diniz

FEED Festival
